Thrift Shop Committee report - April 2024



1. Shop Income

The income for March ($5,240) was lower than usual. This is no doubt a result of the heat waves we had in March. There weren’t too many people around. Hopefully this will pick up this month with the cooler weather and the fact that our autumn and winter clothes stock is going on the racks.

2. Season changeover

We are very busy at the shop at the moment with the season changeover. We will be removing the summer stock and putting the stock-piled autumn and winter stock out.

3. Donations

We continue to have plentiful donations, some of them of very high quality which we appreciate. We have regulars who always bring their donations to us which is very appreciated.

4. Hutt Street Centre

Hutt Street Centre are looking for donations of clothes for their weekly give aways to their clients. We have been putting aside warm winter clothes which we wouldn’t sell in the shop to give to Hutt Street as a valuable community service.

5. Air-conditioner

The landlady will be either removing or covering the old air-conditioning unit on the roof so as to avoid the roof flooding which has happened a couple of times in the past. Des asked if there are any Rotarians who are involved in the air-
conditioning business to let her know. She is also getting a quote to undertake this work from a local company.


The cost of using EFTPOS has arisen. Jerry received notification from Tyro re upcoming changes to the fees charged for use of EFTPOS (see below). Prior to covid the shop had a policy of no EFTPOS under $5. This was to avoid the fees charged by the bank to use this facility. The committee will be discussing this over the next few weeks and would appreciate input from the Board on this matter. One possible way of reducing charges would be to add a surcharge which can be inputted into the machine. This appears to be routine now, even when buying coffee! Or we could just absorb the cost. It is important to note that the amounts we are talking about are usually less than $30.
Hi Jeremy, We’re letting you know that, following a review of your account, we’re updating your Bendigo Bank powered by Tyro transaction fees with a new billing structure. A Card Based pricing structure will be applied to your account, meaning you will pay a specific transaction fee also known as a Merchant Service Fee (MSF) depending on the card type your customer uses. This new MSF structure accounts for the different processing costs that Tyro incurs across different card providers. It means that you will, for example, pay less for a local debit card transaction compared to a higher-cost international card transaction. The MSFs set out below reflect your current card mix and total transaction volume, and are specific to your Merchant ID(s) (MIDs). Changes to your pricing will take effect on 1 May 2024.
Your Card Based pricing (including GST) will be as follows:
Card Type Merchant Service Fee
eftpos cards (including transactions using Least
Cost Routing) 1.20%
Visa/Mastercard Domestic Consumer Debit cards 1.40%
Visa/Mastercard Domestic Consumer Credit
cards 1.50%
Premium, Commercial and International cards
· Visa/Mastercard Domestic Premium cards
· Visa/Mastercard Domestic Commercial cards
· Visa/Mastercard International cards
· UnionPay1 International cards; and
· American Express Opt Blue/JCB* 2.10%
Cash Out $0.00
All other fees and charges associated with your Bendigo Bank powered by Tyro EFTPOS facility will remain unchanged.
A note on surcharging
With Tyro’s Dynamic Surcharging2 capability, you can also choose to configure your
surcharging settings to recoup some of your fees.
If you’re currently utilising Tyro’s Dynamic Surcharging capability, we recommend you
review your surcharging rates when the new pricing takes effect.
To review or enable surcharging, go to, log in to the Tyro Portal, and go to
Self-service > Surcharges. You will also need to ensure surcharging is enabled on
your machine. Steps on how to do this can be found here.