Treasurers Report - April 2024

Treasurers Report - April 2024

  1. After forgiving/writing off debts and adding in a new round of fees we now have only $2720 overdue which whilst not small is greatly improved.
  1. There are some historical issues leading to incorrect representations in the P&L and balance sheet.  The biggest difference compared to last year in the P&L is the Nepal accounts which shouldn’t be included.  I will try to clean this up for the next meeting.  There are a couple of items pending reconciliation as well which will also affect the P&L though the amount involved totals $1270, so not significantly.
  1. Likewise the balance sheet has a lot of historical issues that need to be rectified – so many that I haven’t bothered to include it.  I will do this over the next few months.  Bank balances as at 12:39pm 4/4/24 were:
  1. Savings: $109,990.45
  2. Transaction: $188.30
We have no liabilities.So net position is $115k (including all o/s invoices).
  1. Spending from various committees other than Community are well under budget to date.
  1. We had a targeted attempt to defraud the club.  This reinforces the value of having proper trails of approval and receipts for everything.  Signatories should be challenging expenditure.
  1. If you require more urgent payment then suggest a call may be necessary.  I don’t use SMS often so there is a high probability it will fall through the cracks.
  1. Thank you everyone for using the email address, makes me less likely to drop as much.